
The desire to learn and know.




The strength to venture, persevere, and withstand difficulty.




A unified body of individuals.



The UCSB Attention Lab is dedicated to fostering the scientific development of all its members in a positive environment that is supportive and inclusive. We value diversity, respect for others, and their ideas. We value perseverance and hard work. We value team work and constructive feedback. The intention is that holding these values creates a space in which people can pursue their training in a manner that embraces scientific curiosity, courage, and community.

Diversity & Inclusion

The UCSB Attention Lab is committed to creating and maintaining a scientific environment that enhances diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment emerges naturally out of our lab values, but we also take proactive steps by engaging in conversation about current events, talks, events, and papers that shine a light on these issues. Through these practices we assess and revise our actions in the lab and our scientific activities. We also participate in many programs aimed at enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in science.




All lab members are expected to respect each other and work together to create a supportive team environment. This does not necessarily mean that members work together on all projects, but they work together to ensure the lab is an enriching and positive environment in which they feel like they can work well. It is expected that lab members will help each other out when needed, whether it is with capping an EEG subject, solving a coding problem, or understanding an article.
Lab members should expect the PI (Barry) to support them through their training. Because everyone’s scientific and personal goals are different, this means that the support during training that the PI will provide is somewhat different. Despite these differences trainees should expect that Barry is available (during reasonable hours) to answer questions, provide training and help in all aspects of the scientific processes, from idea generation to publication. In addition, Barry will provide guidance about how to balance priorities, manage time, and target appropriate employment opportunities that fit with each trainee’s goals.